Saturday, August 9, 2008

Zulkifli: Peguam Islam perlu terajui Majlis Peguam - MALAYSIAKINI

Muda Mohd Noor | Aug 9, 08 2:05pm

Sudah sampai masanya peguam yang beragama Islam mengambilalih teraju kepimpinan Majlis Peguam, kata ahli exco Persatuan Peguam Islam, Zulkifli Nordin.

Beliau berkata, ini bagi mengelakkan Majlis Peguam menganjurkan forum yang boleh menimbulkan kemarahan orang Islam.

zulkifli noordinZulkifli yang juga ahli Parlimen PKR Kulim-Bandar Baharu memberitahu pemberita demikian selepas menyertai perhimpunan membantah penganjuran forum awam 'memeluk Islam' anjuran majlis tersebut di ibunegara hari ini.

Beliau mendakwa, Majlis Peguam menganjurkan forum tersebut kerana hendak membuat provokasi terhadap orang Islam.

"Tetapi saya mewakili Persatuan Peguam Islam memberi amaran supaya tidak mencabar umat Islam kerana kesabaran mereka ada hadnya," katanya.

Forum awam tersebut akhirnya dihentikan ekoran bantahan umat Islam yang berhimpun di luar bangunan ibupejabat majlis tersebut.

Seramai 500 orang berkumpul di depan bangunan Majlis Peguam sejak awal pagi, sambil melaungkan "Hancur Bar Council", "Hidup Islam" dan "Batalkan Forum".

Mereka turut membawa sepanduk yang berbunyi "Jangan cabar Islam', "Jangan cetuskan kemarahan umat Islam demi keharmonian umat Islam" dan "Menjunjung keadilan, menyanggah kezaliman".

Zulkifli berkata, forum anjuran Majlis Peguam hari ini sebenarnya bukan dialog tetapi sebaliknya, satu program untuk memprovokasi terhadap umat Islam.

Perkataan menghina

"Semasa saya berunding dengan presiden dan timbalan presiden Majlis Peguam, saya katakan kepada mereka bahawa forum ini tidak wajar diadakan.

"Saya katakan forum ini menguji kesabaran orang Islam," katanya yang gembira kerana umat Islam bersatu menyatakan suara mempertahankan hak mereka.

bar council islamic forum controversy inccident 090808 04Sementara itu, Naib Presiden Gabungan Pelajar Melayu, Jais Abdul Karim berkata, beliau mendapat tahu 110 peserta telah menghadiri forum tersebut.

Katanya, 95 peratus daripada mereka adalah terdiri daripada orang bukan Islam.

"Semasa kami naik ke tempat forum, saya mendapati ia sedang berjalan dan kami memaksa mereka memberhentikannya.

"Ketika itu ada peserta mengeluarkan perkataan yang menghina kami," katanya sambil menambah "inilah perjuangan yang terpaksa kami lalui untuk menegakkan Islam".

Jais berkata, beliau berharap program seperti ini tidak lagi diadakan pada masa depan.

Katanya, sebanyak 29 penyokong NGO Islam datang untuk menyatakan sokongan membantah forum tersebut.


Anonymous said...

Zulkefli nordin,hang tunggu lah pilihaan raya depan,hang buat samseng-hang ingat sikittu-hang menang undi bukan melayu.baru kita tau rupa hang betul.

Anonymous said...

kenapa pihak polis tidak tangkap mufti perak,presiden kimma,ketua pemuda pas dan presiden dan masuk dalam isa.zulkifli nordin,mufti perak harunsani zakaria,presiden kimma dan ketua pemuda pas adalah pengganas islam.kenapa polis tak tangkap?sepatutnya harunsani zakaria ada di ISA kerana tindakan ganasnya di ipoh perak.polis bolih tembak gas pemedih mata pada kanak kanak,orang orang tua ,wanita pengunjung kuil di Batu cave-kenapa polis tak mau ambil tindakan pada penentang penentang forum dihadapan majlis guaman di adakan di dalam bangunan.polis sengaja tidak mau ambil tindakan dan di peralatkan olih penentang forum inilah POLIS DIRAJA MALAYSIA.

Anonymous said...


Dont open your mouth and show the world how stupid you are.

Knape hang suggest org Islam ambik alih Bar Council.......u mean org Islam tak akan menegakkan hak kaum lain di malaysia ke ?

You nih memang bodoh lah, buka mulut tembak kaki sendiri.

Bodoh Bangang

malayamuda said...

Zulkefli Nordin,

You are indeed a fool.

There should not be a Muslim Lawyers Association in the first place.

Can others form Hindu Lawyers association, Christian Lawyers Association etc etc ?

krishna said...

This Zulkifli guy should have been arrested by the Police for instigating and provoking some of our Innocent Muslim Rakyat who seem to have been misinformed about the Forum
which has already ammended the contents of the Original Forum, that is not to touch on the sensitive issues implicating Islam as explained by Mr.Ragunath from the Bar Council.
So what is Mr.Zulkefli trying to prove.Is he another MALAYRAF in the making. In fact he should have been arrested by the Police and charged for creating this uncalled for scene.

Nostradamus said...

Q14. Freedom of religions and beliefs is a right of all Malaysians. (True or False)
Kebebasan ugama dan kepercayaan adalah hak semua rakyat Malaysia (Betul atau Salah)

Q15. Liberty is a right of all Malaysians. (True or False)
Kebebasan diri adalah hak semua rakyat Malaysia. (Betul atau Salah)

Q16. All Malaysians and the world can be converted to a single culture, religion, race in future. (Fact or Fiction)
Semua rakyat Malaysia dan sedunia boleh diubahkan kepada suatu kebudayaan, ugama dan bangsa pada masa hadapan. (Fakta atau Rekaan)

Q43. Divide and rule exists in all politics and religion. (Fact or Fiction)
Memecah belah dan memerintah terdapat di semua fahaman politik dan ugama. (Fakta atau Rekaan)

Q48. Freedom can only exist in the mind, not in real life. (True or False)
Kebebasan Cuma didapati dalam minda, tidak di dunia nyata. (Betul atau Salah)

Q49. Race and Religious supremacy are preached by satans. (True or False)
Ketuanan bangsa dan ugama adalah dikutbah oleh syaitan. (Betul atau Salah)

Q50. Malaysian politicians are typical Jeyklls and Hydes. (True or False)
Ahli politik Malaysia melambangkan personality Jeyklls dan Hydes. (Betul atau Salah)

Answers at
Jawapan di

Malaysia said...

Majlis Peguam,DAP & HINDRAF adalah penyebabnya..Sudah tahu tapi masih bermain api..Ini Malaysia negara Islam..Majoriti Islam,Jangan mempersendakan Islam..Hormatilah umat Islam diMalaysia..sebagaimana umat Islam menghormati agama lain..

Macam Malaysia ni hak Majlis Peguam,China(DAP) & India(HINDRAF)..Baru dapat kuasa diSelangor,Perak,Pulau Pinang dah nak tunjuk kuasa & Ego..

Anonymous said...

Jumpa dua botol alcohol.Ini "terrorism" tapi tak tangkap masuk ISA.Hindraf 5 pulak tak ada bukti tapi kata pengganas masuk ISA.Macammana ini???ZN hang menang undi bukan melayu tapi sekarang tunjuk belang pulak.Tunggulah kau kami ini pengundi bandar baharu kulim.

amoker said...

Maybe Zulkifli wants to be the new president of the BAR. Aisay , say so la. ( sarcasm)

He has a blog and i have left my note of displeasure. He is too emotional to know that he have fallen into UMNO trap. Why la PKR got people like him and Saiful...


In the first place wht didn't the organise organize properly. Have a balance amount of audience - not just a major group of non muslims. Call upon tru muslim scholars, not just another muslim or junior Islamic officer from Islamic department.
I attended a few challenging discourse about the same subject and no untowards/unruly thing happened.
The problem here is approach.

There was a debate on Islam and christians between Ahme Deedad and Revereand Mc Cartney years ago with world acceptance. They debated mindfully and endsup on happy note.

If we atart something with some elements of hatred and dissatisfactions, it ends up just like what you have seen.

Some supid ass will be carried out with sentiments and provocations. Just try to understand how BN s tried to coin PAS into Muzakarah.. and some PAS greenhorn was tempted with BNs offer. They don't really ambraced PAS ideology. Just see in the next PAS Muktamar, they will be chugged and chased by PAS delegates. History is no cheat.

Bar council should elaborate the topics clearly before the show. Talk to real muslim scholars. Not just publicised about the forum with a title and try to test the water. This is no more trial and error period.

I support for more discourse, with good action plan. Lawyers not mere talkers though some are. They are important part of a legal system.A group of respected a intelligent people. The way the forum being called does not reflect the above.

Next time you organize, I suggest Dr Zulkefli Ahmad of PAS, Sulaiman Abdullah, Malik imtiaz, etc...

An make sure to deliver a clear message without hate and fear of the public sentiments.

Bro, sekarang zaman orang lapar, tak cukup makan, semua barang mahal. Silapikit angin cepat naik. Provocateurs pun ramai, UMNO pun ramai cari pasal.

I believe, semua problem can be settled. Being muslim I believe, the way of life it brings and offers but some people with little understanding but talk more bundled with sentiments will make matter worst. The same goes to non mudlims counterparts.

Search : Surah al Haj verse 40 - It says about Allah's protections for non-muslims..

Anonymous said...

(My description of this story could vary a little, but the gist of lesson in tact).

I learned from a dear Muslim friend of mine many years ago of something Nabi Mohammad practiced which impressed me and to this date vivid in my mind, but unfortunately most fellow Muslims in this country fail to emulate, It's very shameful to call oneself a Muslim but never practice the teaching of Nabi.

Once, Nabi Mohammad was with his followers in a mosque after his prayers, resting. So came a person who asked one of Nabi's followers if he could perform his prayer there, but he was a Christian, a non-Muslim. Annoyed to understand a non-Muslim in the mosque, the follower together with others wanted him out immediately. But, having noticed this, Nabi stopped them from doing so. Nabi told him to use the mosque to his pleasure of performing his prayers. Shocked by Nabi's action his followers requested for his explanation. To which Nabi said, God is One, so when someone, though he is not a Muslim, his intention is noble and as good Muslim we must allow him to perform his duty to god. That was Nabi then and this is Malaysians Muslims of now.

What do you want to prove as Muslims? I may not be a practicing Muslim but I vouch I do practice some of the values Islam professes and I have absolute respect for Islam but not for those who belittle Islam like you guys.

Shame on you fellows. Tell me if Nabi or Islam said differently.


Anonymous said...

i feel that the malays should be more open minded when it comes to religious issues.islam is not only for malays but it is also religion to others who practices it ie arabian, indonesian, pakistani those who are not born muslim thru self realisation if he loves islam and practises islam let him be muslim.but i personally don't believe in converting some lost souls into a religion that he never understands nor practices it the same way it goes to someone who converts without aknowledging their family ie parents, wife and children.if it so than it will be unfair for the family members who will suffer in silence likewise in the case of Shubashini and Shiamala.Similarly it goes for all the 'body snatching' far as i know, islam doesn't teach extremism.i just don't understand why some people don't want to open their mind for discussion.and why some using the most sensitive words 'Islam and Muslim' to instigate and divert peoples attention for their personel gain? My friends, don't shut down your hearts to any form of open discussion that is related to one can challenge the religion.the discussion is on the cloudiness of the issues pertaining to the religion.please open your heart and see the matter from the other side of the world.justice should prevail and no one should become victim of injustice.don't become racist and don't behave like an extrimist.islam doesn't teach that.don't quick to be sensitive.think, think, think before act.may peace upon you.

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